Guns Blazing Quiz

-Guns Blazing- Quiz

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The Arras Offensive, of which the attack at Vimy was a part, came about because French General ________ hoped that some of the German soldiers near the Aisne River would _________________________ and by doing so, help his own attack.

The Arras Offensive, of which the attack at Vimy was a part, came about because French General ________ hoped that some of the German soldiers near the Aisne River would _________________________ and by doing so, help his own attack.


The _____________ was aptly named by the Germans because it prevented them from sleeping, eating, drinking, and repairing their defences.


The first country to begin trench raiding was __________ ; the __________ began in _____ .


Which of the following was NOT a factor in the failure of the massive trench raid on Mar.1, 1917?


Which of the following was NOT a factor in the success of the attack at Vimy on April 9, 1917?


The four Canadians who each earned a Victoria Cross at the Battle of Vimy Ridge were:


The words on a Victoria Cross are "_____________" and are found underneath a _________ .


Pattison was awarded the Victoria Cross on the second day of attack at Vimy for __________ .

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Arras Offensive. Field of Battle. Topographic Advantage. Week of Suffering. Richard Jack Painting.

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